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Israeli Troops move into suburbs

On Tuesday Israeli troops advanced into the densely populated Gaza suburbs for the first time leaving residents terrified as they ran for cover. Soldiers are searching alleyways and cellars to find Hamas fighters.
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Tax free online shopping could end soon

The days when you sat behind your browser, quickly picked the items you wanted buy, placed them in your virtual basket and checked out without paying sales tax could soon be a thing of the past.
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UN chief to urge leaders in person on Gaza cease fire

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Monday said he's embarking on a Mideast tour to press for Israel and Hamas to immediately stop fighting and allow humanitarian aid into the devastated Palestinian territory.
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Russia, Ukraine dispute; costs Gazprom $800

The end to the dispute seems to be near with Russia is expected to resume its supplies to Ukraine this week following an EU agreement with monitors being deployed to monitor gas flow in Ukraine.
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Brittney Bergeron: Stabbing Survivor

Brittney Bergeron, a handicapped teenager with aspirations to be a Paralympian for the 2012 London Paralympics shared her story last night with 20/20 after surviving 27 stabs.
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Lloyds to pay $350 million in sanctions case

On Friday British-based Lloyds TSB Bank agreed to pay a 350 million dollar penalty to settle an investigation for illegally authorizing access by Iran and Sudan in to the US financial system.
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Two UN workers killed in Somalia

On Thursday gunmen shot and killed a food monitor for the United Nations' World Food Program making it the second killing of a WFP humanitarian worker in Somalia in three days.
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New anti-pirate force headed by the US

On Thursday the US Fifth Fleet announced the establishment of a new international naval force to fight off pirates in the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean following a wave of hijackings off the coast of Somalia.
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Skier is left hanging half undressed

A 48-year-old skier was left hanging upside down, half naked on a chair lift at the Blue Sky Basin at the Vail Ski Resort in Vail, Colorado, on Tuesday.


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